Wolverhampton Society of Artists Logo

Wolverhampton Society of Artists Logo


Maureen Hunt

I always enjoyed art at school but it was not until many years later that I took it up again. Leaving school at fourteen I went into my first job. Soon after that, I met and married my husband, Barry.

After my children all became independent, I went back into full time Education eventually gaining an Honours degree in Humanities. I then home tutored my autistic son for the next four years, which included art sessions.

In the 1990s I went, along with my daughter Wendy, to join Tom Jenkin’s evening art class. I had known Mr Jenkins for many years as he had taught Art to all five of my children at Pendeford High School. It was around this time that I joined the Wolverhampton Society of Artists.

It took me a while to ‘settle’ into my own art style. Moving through scenes from the Icelandic Sagas, rocks and Stone Circles, to pen and ink drawings, until today, I enjoy designing patterns in the style of William Morris.

One piece of my artwork, “Guardian of the Stones”, was selected for the Staffordshire Art Exhibition. I also gained First place in the ‘Multimedia’ section at the Darlaston Art Exhibition.

Although Tom’s art classes finished around ten years ago, my daughter and I still keep to a Wednesday evening art session, but now it is at my home in Slade Road. My son Darren (now forty-two) has also joined our group. He has produced some beautiful, intricate, scraperboard pictures of plants and animals.