Wolverhampton Society of Artists is an established group of professional and amateur artists who work in a wide range of styles and media. Our artists are proactive locally, nationally and internationally.
Sharing and Celebrating
Wolverhampton Society of Artists has been exhibiting at Wolverhampton Art Gallery since the Society was formed in 1919. We are proud to continue with this close relationship into the 21st Century. The exhibitions at Wolverhampton Art Gallery are the culmination of our artists’ work and an opportunity to celebrate and enjoy some of the best pieces produced by them.
Exhibitions are limited to members only. Please head over to the Joining the Society page to find out about becoming a member or contact [email protected]

Open Studios
Once a year a number of our artists open the doors of their studios for a weekend to welcome visitors and show how and where they create their work. This is a hugely enjoyable weekend so grab a map and follow the trail!
To find out more have a look at our dedicated open studios website.
“If people knew how hard I worked to get my mastery, it wouldn’t seem so wonderful at all”. Michelangelo
On the third Wednesday of each month members and guests meet in the Tractor Shed at Bantock House for speaker evenings. The Society welcomes a huge variety of speakers from all artistic disciplines. We have the privilege of listening to and discussion with other artists, university lecturers, curators, art historians, gallery owners, art collectors and framing specialists.
To find out more and to read reviews of these speaker evenings please follow our blog.
Head over to our Events page to find out about future speaker events. You don’t have to be a member to attend these evenings, but there is a £3 charge for non-members.
“When one teaches, two learn.” Robert Heinlein
Some of our artists also deliver workshops in their areas of expertise. Read about these workshops on the art events page.
Wolverhampton Society of Artists endeavours to engage with the local community so as to encourage creativity and interest in art. We give demonstrations, share our speaker evenings and summer painting days and promote a programme of various events for the public to enjoy during our exhibitions.
With a view to “Spreading the Love of Art”, in our Centenary year, we are proud to be reaching out to local schools and to the people of Wolverhampton, providing them with art books to inspire and encourage their creativity. This project has been funded by The Heritage Lottery Fund.
Sketching and Drawing
We all look forward to the summer. Our programme of summer sketching and painting days is always inspiring. Painting and sketching with a group of like-minded artists is both enjoyable and informative. If you like to sketch or paint en plein air please view our painting day programme; non-members are welcome to come along.
Drawing from life is the artistic equivalent of going to the gym. To facilitate good exercise the Society provides access to a life model once a month. Unfortunately, due to the popularity of the life drawing sessions they are available to members of Wolverhampton Society of Artists only.