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Wolverhampton Society of Artists Logo


Clare Wassermann

Clare works in paint – mostly oil but sometimes acrylic and also in textiles. She builds layer upon layer of colours seeing how they vibrate together. Images, words and ideas emerge, are released and let go of as the work progresses. Eventually an idea for a final composition surfaces and a still point is attained.

As she works she listens to music which often comes from Eastern sources and she intentionally uses the energy of the music as inspiration, whether it be calming or uplifting. Clare also uses ideas generated from her yoga and meditation practice.

Nature and wildlife are important sources of inspiration and mostly her paintings reflect our interconnectedness with all beings – a celebration of life! The work is uplifting and peaceful at the same time.

The progression of Clare’s paintings echo the qualities she tries to live by as she like to hone her intuition and practise acceptance and letting go. The nature of impermanence, peace and the interconnectedness of everything is her focus.

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